Friday, August 1, 2008


Before I retired and started writing children's books I was a school social worker in Binghamton, New York. I worked with troubled children, children having difficulty adjusting, and children with disabilities. When I'd meet these children downtown or at the mall or in a restaurant there was no glimmer of recognition on their part that they knew me, no glimmer of recognition that we spent regular assigned time together. But after I retired from the school system and started writing children's books and did readings and signings in their schools--my how things changed! Now when these children see me downtown or at the mall or in a restaurant they run over and with a smiling face and a voice brimming with pride say,Hi Mrs. Grambling. I know you. You signed one of your books for me at my school. Remember?”

And yes. Of course I remembered!

As a school social worker I found my work very satisfying and productive. And now writing books for children I find my work very satisfying and productive. I must admit though that writing books for children is LOTS MORE FUN! And for sure it has changed the way some children perceive me!

Lois Grambling

P.S. When I first retired I was asked if I would be writing books about children with problems. I'll list my last five books and let you decide:

Can I Bring My Pterodactyl to School Ms Johnson? Can I?! Please?!?!

The Witch Who Wanted To Be A Princess

My Mom Is A Firefighter

T. Rex Trick Or Treats

Here Comes T. Rex Cottontail


Anonymous said...

I've nominated your blog for the Brilliante Weblog Premio Award. Keep up the good work!

Charlesbridge Publishing said...

Wow! You're awesome!