Before I retired and started writing children's books I was a school social worker in Binghamton, New York. I worked with troubled children, children having difficulty adjusting, and children with disabilities. When I'd meet these children downtown or at the mall or in a restaurant there was no glimmer of recognition on their part that they knew me, no glimmer of recognition that we spent regular assigned time together. But after I retired from the school system and started writing children's books and did readings and signings in their schools--my how things changed! Now when these children see me downtown or at the mall or in a restaurant they run over and with a smiling face and a voice brimming with pride say, “Hi Mrs. Grambling. I know you. You signed one of your books for me at my school. Remember?”
And yes. Of course I remembered!
As a school social worker I found my work very satisfying and productive. And now writing books for children I find my work very satisfying and productive. I must admit though that writing books for children is LOTS MORE FUN! And for sure it has changed the way some children perceive me!
Lois Grambling
P.S. When I first retired I was asked if I would be writing books about children with problems. I'll list my last five books and let you decide:
Can I Bring My Pterodactyl to School Ms Johnson? Can I?! Please?!?!
The Witch Who Wanted To Be A Princess
My Mom Is A Firefighter
T. Rex Trick Or Treats
Here Comes T. Rex Cottontail