Monday, July 23, 2018

Start Me Up: Debut Authors & Illustrators at Charlesbridge

Associate editor Karen Boss talks about the importance of working with debut authors and illustrators and reveals some of the debuts from Charlesbridge she's most excited to share with readers

Working with debut authors and illustrators has been a core part of Charlesbridge’s trade program since it began almost thirty years ago. We believe it’s important to find new talent with stories to share and to get those books into the market and into kids’ hands. As publishing has changed over the years, access to editors and publishers has narrowed. At the same time, the number of people who want to write for kids has grown exponentially, and new authors and illustrators have often found it challenging to break in. Over time, Charlesbridge editors have remained dedicated to helping launch author careers, and our design team often focuses on offering opportunities to illustrators new to children’s books. Here are some recent debut creators who we just love. Check out their books!

Monday, July 16, 2018

Charlesbridge #9: Christina Matula

Today debut author Christina Matula joins us on the podcast to talk about her book The Shadow in the Moon: A Tale of the Mid-Autumn Festival (illustrated by Pearl Law) and how she went from wanting to tell her children a traditional folktale to telling the world about the Mid-Autumn Festival. You can have a listen by clicking HERE:

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Monday, July 2, 2018

Cover Design Process: FREEFALL SUMMER

Today we're staying in-house to talk to book designer Sarah Richards Taylor about the first young adult book she designed for us, Freefall Summer!